KSGilmore Consulting LLC Proud to Support WFYI Public Radio 

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We recently had the privilege of supporting WFYI 90.1 FM Public Radio through corporate underwriting. 

We believe it is important to support WFYI, the Indianapolis NPR affiliate, because the station serves as a public forum where people are encouraged to have a voice and discuss relevant issues important to our community.  

According to the 2017 NPR Impact Study, NPR Listens, 87% of NPR listeners discuss content with friends, family, and colleagues. These conversations bring to light different perspectives on current affairs, society, and politics. We find it valuable to hear from all sides, and that’s why we believe strongly in supporting WFYI. 

Over 166,000 Hoosiers listen to WFYI Public Radio every week. Our local station contains only three and a half minutes of non-programming time (public service announcements) per hour, compared to 16-26 minutes of non-programming time per hour on commercial radio.  

You can listen to our spot here. We were proud to serve as underwriters for WFYI and look forward to supporting their work again in 2020.  

For more information on WFYI and how you can support individually or through corporate underwriting, visit WFYI.org

Katie Gilmore