KSGilmore Consulting LLC

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3 Ways Law Firms Can Establish a Strong Brand ID

Think back to when your firm started. Are its mission and clientele the same, or has it evolved? Some small firms start out with target audiences in mind and how they will present themselves to the world. Others start off without a clear vision and end up taking whatever client work comes their way, which can make it more difficult to gain new clients on a consistent basis.  

Here are three ways law firms can establish a strong brand identity: 

Identify Differentiators 

If you’ve never clearly defined your firm’s brand, or the firm has evolved since it began, now is the time to take a look at it and strengthen it. When we talk about your firm’s brand, we are referring to how people perceive it. That perception is often defined by your firm’s voice, look and differentiators.  

Sit down with stakeholders to outline how you want people to perceive your firm and what makes your firm different. Those differentiators are important for standing out in a crowded legal market.  

Consider Marketing Collateral 

Also, think about your firm’s collateral, such as your logo, website, business cards and other materials. Do those items accurately reflect the firm’s brand?  

For example, websites are extremely important for businesses today in all industries. The 2019 Clio Legal Trends Report found that 57 percent of people who needed a lawyer searched for one on their own, turning to online search engines and visiting a law firm or lawyer’s website.[1] 

You need to have a website that is modern and functional. If it is difficult to navigate and isn’t responsive (so it does not work properly on mobile devices), then it is time for a refresh.  

Ensure Your Website is Mobile-Friendly 

Last year, more than half of the global internet traffic came from mobile phones,[2] and 85 percent of adults think a company’s website when viewed on a mobile device should be as good or better than its desktop website.[3]

If your website isn’t responsive for mobile users, you haven’t updated your website’s design and functionality in years and your logo looks outdated, then it’s time to invest in a polished and sophisticated website. Remember, your larger competitors have sharp, modern websites – shouldn’t you too? And the best part – it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money to present your firm in the best light.   

If you’re unsure if your brand is in need of a refresh, email us and we’d love to learn more about your brand and conduct an audit.  

[1] Clio, “2019 Legal Trends Report” 

[2] Broadband Search, “Mobile Vs. Desktop Internet Usage (Latest 2020 Data)” 

[3] SEOocial, “Why Responsive Design is Important: 10 Key Statistics”