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3 Growth Strategies for Law Firms Post-Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic forced law firms to quickly pivot and adapt in order to remotely serve clients effectively and safely. As many firms have discovered, there may be no going back completely to the old way of operating. Instead, law firms should look forward and focus on strategies that will better serve them – and their clients – in 2021 and beyond.

Here are three key strategies law firms should consider:

1. Digital Marketing for the Long Run

Prior to the pandemic, most law firms relied on in-person events and meetings to connect with clients, prospects and referral sources. But government restrictions and stay-at-home orders effectively shut down opportunities for in-person connections. Law firms turned to an emphasis on digital marketing to connect with people.

Law firms found success creating content on topics surrounding COVID-19 that mattered to their clients. Attorneys became more active on LinkedIn, sharing helpful articles and interacting with client and referrals’ pages. Firms quickly pivoted to offering webinars that brought people together.

At some point – hopefully sooner rather than later – we will begin to return to a world that allows for in-person gatherings, large events and the ability to confidently interact face-to-face with people. However, law firms shouldn’t backburner their digital marketing strategy once we reach this point. As we saw in 2020 and now into 2021, it is possible to create connections with people virtually. More companies have said they will allow employees to continue to work remotely in some capacity for the near future. This reinforces the need for law firms’ marketing strategies to include a digital component going forward.

In today’s world, it’s imperative that law firms increase visibility and stay top of mind both online and in person. It is not feasible to rely on one strategy or the other anymore. Take steps today to outline what type of content you need to produce that will demonstrate your thought leadership and help clients. Determine how you will share that content in person and online and who will be responsible for that.

Also, identify how your firm can continue to build relationships that will last beyond this pandemic. Perhaps it’s sending a text just to check in with a client or emailing a referral source an article you found interesting. Smart law firms will keep digital opportunities in their marketing mix to help them stay in front of clients.

2. Culture in a Hybrid Remote-Office World

Company culture matters – it can make or break a firm’s success. A strong culture can also play a major role in attracting and retaining top talent. In fact, more than 75 percent of people said they would consider a company’s culture before applying for a job there. This is especially true for younger workers.

The pandemic has made it difficult for some remote workers to feel connected to their company. The top three things people reported missing by working virtually: small talk and interacting with colleagues; collaborating in-person with a team; and the separation between home and the office.

How do you build the company culture in a hybrid environment when your employees don’t see each other beyond virtual and occasional in-person meetings? You must find opportunities for them to engage with each other beyond work items. Have department leaders poll team members to find out what type of virtual meeting they’d like to attend to connect with colleagues. A happy hour? Trivia? Or, maybe one-on-one chat or group meeting with just three or four people? Once identified, create those opportunities for them to connect. Consider mixing them up throughout the year to keep it fresh.

Once it’s safe to meet in person in larger groups, it will be easier to set up happy hours or lunch meetings with departments or team members. Until then, consider organizing small groups for an outdoor lunch or drinks on a patio to keep an in-person connection.

Another great way to foster company culture is through an internal newsletter. This newsletter should include messages from leaders that share expectations from employees and sets the tone for the culture. If diversity and inclusion is important to your firm, share steps your firm is taking to be more inclusive. If your firm values professional development, share links to helpful company webinars or opportunities for networking. If your firm is offering wellness tips or classes, include those in the newsletter.

By adopting a hybrid-approach office for working, law firms’ strategy should include new ways to foster the company culture. Doing so will allow firms to maintain and even strengthen their culture as more people work remotely.

3. Work-from-Anywhere Approach to Recruiting

As many companies discovered during the pandemic, employees can be just as productive – if not more so – when working from home. That realization upends the traditional law firm recruiting strategy of focusing on laterals or new hires based on geography and working in a physical office. Now, law firms can look for talent anywhere in the world.

When law firms moved entire workforces to remote working in 2020, they either had systems and technology in place, or had to enact them quickly, which enabled people to work securely and effectively from home. With those systems now in place, it will be easier to attract and onboard a new lawyer who lives in another state and may never work in a firm office.

Law firms can bring on laterals that fit the company culture that also bring a book of business that includes new clients in new areas. Prior to the pandemic, clients may have valued being able to meet with their lawyers in person at the firm. Today, many clients understand that effective meetings can happen virtually.

As law firms evaluate their recruiting strategy for 2021 and beyond, they need to expand their traditional ways of attracting talent and plan for bringing on new hires that may never set foot in their office.

If you need assistance creating and executing marketing content to support your law firm strategies in 2021, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.