KSGilmore Consulting LLC

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KSG Closing Operations Effective July 31, 2021

To our clients, colleagues and friends,

Thank you for all of the support you have given us over the past five years. We are starting the next chapter in our careers in August, and I am closing KSGilmore Consulting LLC at the end of July.

With your support, in five short years we have built a team that has served more than 40 clients across the United States. Building our national practice would not have been possible without the hard work of Jennifer Nelson, Sara Holtz and Chuck Smith.

I want to thank all of you for supporting us, and I want to share a special thank you to our early champions, Matt Simpson, Ivan Hoffman, James Bell, Tony Paganelli, and Cliff O’Conner, who gave us a chance to help their firms grow when we were just getting started. We are so proud of what they have accomplished to build strong brands, increase visibility and make connections that drive business development.

Our next chapter builds on what we have accomplished and will open doors to new colleagues and new opportunities across the country and around the world. Jennifer, Sara and I are joining the team at Dentons, the world’s largest law firm, building the foundation of the Clients, Markets & Communications department at Dentons Bingham Greenebaum. This is a tremendous opportunity for us to accelerate growth for the firm, and I am honored to serve as the Director of this new department.

Keith Bice and the leadership team at Dentons are committed to building the law firm of the future and we believe this vision, coupled with the incredible growth of 33 new Dentons offices announced in 2020, will make the Dentons opportunity an incredible one for our team.

Thank you again for all of your support. As many of you know, Chuck Smith is available for freelance graphic design needs. I encourage you to connect with Chuck for any design needs moving forward, chucksmithdesign@gmail.com. I know I will!

Thank you for five wonderful years,

Katie Gilmore