KSGilmore Consulting LLC

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Do Your Case Studies Appeal to Emotions?

Have you been building a fact-based business case for why clients should invest in your firm's security solutions?

On the surface, this seems like the logical way to create marketing content that demonstrates your expertise. Beyond that, a fact-based marketing effort also shows that you have a strong understanding of the business reasons behind the security investment. As you know, showing a client that you understand her business is a key component of building trust and developing long-lasting relationships.

But what happens when facts aren't enough?

According to a recent article in HBR, decision makers are being driven by their emotions when it comes to security purchases. How can you address this in your marketing efforts? According to the article, "...cybersecurity professionals should take into account people’s tendency to overweight information that portrays consequences vividly and tugs at their emotions. To leverage this affect bias, security professionals should explain cyber risk by using clear narratives that connect to risk areas that high-level decision makers are familiar with and already care deeply about."

What does this mean for your content marketing?

To take the next step and address the emotional component of decision-making within your content marketing strategy, tell stories. What kind of stories? Stories that put your facts into real-life scenarios. Case studies are a great way to tell these stories. But if your solution is leading-edge, and case studies aren't available yet, try a brief hypothetical story or parable.

As always, if you want to walk through how to apply this concept at your firm, send me a note.